Don’t remind me of that pain. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Sure, people get stomach aches, but this was different. It was in my stomach, but it also went into my back. I felt this intense anxiety, like I was having a heart attack.
My name is Sandeep Bhardwaj. I’m 56 years old, and I was running my own business. In 2019, I had my first attack. I was just sitting at home when this sudden pain hit me in the stomach. I thought it was just gas. But it kept getting worse and worse. I was drenched in sweat. My daughter rushed me to the hospital in Noida. I’m originally from Allahabad, but I was in Noida at the time. They admitted me to the emergency room and then transferred me to the ICU. They gave me painkillers and kept me there for two days. Then they discharged me with some regular medication. The pain subsided, and I went back to my normal routine.
After that, I would occasionally get pain in my back. I have a mostly sedentary job, so I thought it was just from sitting too long. Then, about a year later, the stomach pain started again, very mildly at first. I saw a local surgeon in Allahabad, and he looked at my reports from the Noida hospital. He said I had stones in my gallbladder that were affecting my pancreas and that I needed to have my gallbladder removed. So, he removed it.
I was fine for a year or two, but then the pain came back. It was short-lived, just ten or fifteen minutes, and then it would subside. Then, one day, the pain increased and stayed for two or three days. My brother-in-law, who lives in Faridabad, told me about Padaav. He suggested I consult with them. I went to Padaav and spoke with Shikha Madam. I had all my reports and tests with me. She said I needed to be admitted for 21 days so they could evaluate my condition and diet.
I hadn’t really thought about Ayurveda before. I knew it was an ancient Indian medicine system, but I hadn’t delved deeper. I wasn’t facing any issues that would make me consider alternative medicine. But I went to Padaav. They looked at my reports and said I needed to be admitted for 21 days. I was admitted. They have a complete diet plan and a set routine. They tell you when to wake up, what to eat, everything. After two or three days, I started feeling better. At first, it was strange, but then I felt like my life was improving. Their routine – waking up early, having lunch on time, everything – was very different from my usual routine. I used to sleep late, watching web series until I fell asleep. But I followed their routine and diet for 21 days, along with the medications.
When I went back home, I felt so much more relaxed. I had been so tense because of this pancreas problem. I had heard so many things about it that I was really scared. But after coming back from Padaav, that fear was gone. I was completely okay. I continued their medicines for a year and followed their diet. Diet is a major factor in this. You have to eat on time, and if you follow their diet, half your illness is gone. It’s all about what we eat, when we eat, and at what intervals. Following their diet is crucial.
Now, I’m perfectly alright. Sometimes, I make mistakes and eat the wrong things or break the timings. Then, I get gastric problems. But it gets better. I realize my mistake and learn from it. Don’t remind me of that pain, though. It was the first time I had experienced anything like it. Stomach pain is common, but this was different. It was in my back, too, and I felt so anxious, like I was having a heart problem, because I was sweating so much.
I insist that anyone with this problem should try this Ayurvedic treatment at Padaav. It’s 100% curable. I realized that I recovered so quickly, within a year of taking the medicines. There’s something in these medicines that gives you immediate results.
This illness required my complete attention. I had to put my personal and family life aside and focus on the treatment. I wound up my business because my father, who was helping me, was over eighty and a heart patient. Going back and forth between the hospital and Padaav was too much. I took early retirement and focused on getting better. Now, I’m spending more time with my family.
I feel much better and happier. I share my story with others, telling them where I was and where I am now. I lost 15 kilos. I was so thin. I couldn’t bear to look at myself in the mirror. But now I’m back to normal. I insist to people, “Why do you go to allopathic doctors? There’s no cure there. Painkillers are not the final treatment. They just pause the pain for a little while. But Ayurveda is what helped me get to the root of the problem.”
Many patients at Padaav were scared. This illness is terrifying. They weren’t sure if they would get better. But the atmosphere at Padaav was like opening new doors. I told them to have faith in the medicine and the treatment. Faith is crucial for any treatment to work.
The routine and the food at Padaav were amazing. The food was the best protein-rich diet. People say to eat oily foods for taste, but that’s just a fleeting pleasure. The food I had at Padaav was so good that I still tell my family they can’t cook as well.
The beeping sound of the hospital ICU still haunts me. I used to see other patients there, some singing, some doing other things, and I would think I was better off than them. But deep down, I felt like I was in the last stage of life. Everyone had told me that pancreatitis was worse than a heart attack. I would think about my family and what would happen to them if something happened to me.
My biggest mistake was my irregular food habits. In my business, I had no fixed time for meals. If a customer came in while I was having lunch, I would delay my meal for hours. Not eating on time and not waking up on time – I wasn’t following a proper routine. Food habits are crucial. It’s not about not eating anything and then suddenly eating junk food. If you eat on time and maintain a regular schedule, I don’t think this problem will arise.
After coming to Padaav, my mind felt fresh and clean. All my negative thoughts vanished. I observed everything they told me, and I’m seeing the results today. I’m healthy, I eat everything, but I eat on time. I get scolded at home sometimes because I cheat a little.
I’m constantly in touch with Shikha Madam. She’s always available. I get calls from Padaav, too, checking on me. I tell Madam if I have any problems, like a slight pain. She asks what I ate, and then she prescribes something for gas. I realize that it’s probably because I didn’t have lunch on time.